1605.3(v) (4) Computer monitors. Computer monitors manufactured on or after July 1, 2019, shall comply with all of the following:
(A) The computer monitor on-mode power draw shall be less than or equal to the following equation with each of the applicable allowances applied at most once:
Eon < (Eon_max + EEP + EGame + EOLED + ECurve)
Eon is the computer monitor on-mode power draw in watts as determined under Section 1604(v)(3) of this Article,
Eon_max is the maximum on-mode power draw in watts as determined by Table V-4,
EEP is the enhanced performance display allowance in watts as determined in Table V-5,
EGame is the gaming monitor allowance in watts as determined in Table V-5,
EOLED is the OLED monitor allowance in watts as determined in Table V-5, and
ECurve is the curved monitor allowance in watts as determined in Table V-5.
(B) Consume less than or equal to 1.2 watts in computer monitor sleep mode and computer monitor off mode power combined.
(C) Be shipped with a screen luminance less than or equal to 200 cd/m2 ± 35 percent. A manufacturer may ship with additional features enabled, even if they were turned off in testing.
(D) Computer monitors with touch screen capability are allowed an additional 1 watt allowance per mode in modes where touch functionality is enabled.
EXCEPTIONS to section 1605.3(v)(4): The following computer monitors are not required to comply with section 1605.3(v)(4) of this Article but shall comply with the test procedures in section 1604(v)(3) of this Article, the certification requirements in section 1606 of this Article, and the marking requirements in section 1607 of this Article:
1. KVMs.
2. KMMs.
3. Very high performance monitors.
EXCEPTION to section 1605.3(v)(4): Medical computer monitors are not required to comply with section 1605.3(v)(4) of this Article or the test procedures in section 1604(v)(3) of this Article but shall comply with the certification requirements in section 1606 of this Article and the marking requirements in section 1607 of this Article.
小型电池充电系统CEC认证,美国加州CEC认证,2012年1月12日,美国加利福尼亚能源** (CEC) 通过了关于电池充电系统 (BCS) 的能效法规,对进入加利福尼亚州的电池充电系统提出较低能效要求。小型电池充电系统CEC认证,美国加州CEC认证,CEC定义的电池充电系统包含了所有可充电电池或包含可充电电池的设备,以及和他们一起使用的充电器。小型电池充电系统CEC认证,美国加州CEC认证,法规涵盖产品范围非常广泛,例如笔记本、手机、无绳电话、MP3/MP4、便携式DVD、AA/AAA充电器、无线耳机、电动工具以及使用可充电电池的家电设备等等。
本公司是电子及电器产品安全(Safety)、电磁兼容(EMC)、有害物质认证(RoHS)、无线电通讯认证测试和代理、电池产品的测试和认证代理的专业服务机构,集团公司目前拥有相当规模的安全、电磁兼容、能耗、电池、有害元素等检测能力的第三方检测实验室,本公司实验室是严格按照, CNAS-CL01:2006 (ISO/IEC17025:2005)检测和校准实验室能力认可准则建立了完善的管理体系,且遵循“公正、科学、准确、诚信”的服务宗旨。从事产品认证CCC、CQC、SRRC、CTA、CE、FCC、ROHS、SAA、SASO、交通部794 808协议、ISO、UL、CB、GS、IC、KC、PSE、IP、EUP,CEC、NRcan、C-TICK、VCCI、MIC、E-MARK、REACH化学测试等国际安全测试认证 。
答:California Enery Commission 主要针对出口到美国加州地区的产品能源效率的要求。CEC认证于2005年12月30日依照加州电器能效法(Appliance Efficiency Regulation)强制实施。
航天检测技术(深圳)有限公司(Aerospace Testing Services (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.简称“AST”)是一家专业从事产品检测与认证咨询服务的第三方认证机构,是国内较早从事进出口商品检测、检验、认证及技术服务为一体的综合性独立第三方检测机构,在**范围内为企业提供一站式解决方案。竭诚帮助客户的产品达到不断更新的国际标准要求,在国际市场受到广大客户的认同,在**业具有一定的**度。公司严格按照ISO/IEC17025检测和校准实验室管理体系要求进行规范管理和运行。航天检测技术(深圳)有限公司通过了中国合格评定认可**(CNAS)认可的实验室,CNAS资质证书编号:L11965;同时通过了计量认证(CMA),证书编号:201819013737,具备出具第三方检测报告的资质。我们秉承公正、科学、专业、高效的原则,凭借尖端的测试设备和较富经验的检测认证工程师,为数千家以上企业提供专业优质的检测认证及咨询服务。我们的主营业务有:国内CCC 强制/CQC自愿性认证;SRRC型号核准;CTA进网许可认证;企业标准备案;天猫京东质检;售后服务认证;ISO9001质量体系认证;ISO14001环境体系;ISO18001健康安全体系;IATF16949汽车体系;交通部 794 808 1076 1078 GB/T 35658 1077 1078等标准及协议;网约车、出租车905协议;3C确认检验等;欧盟CE认证 ROHS检测 ERP能效 IP防尘防水等级;美国FCC认证 ETL认证;澳洲RCM认证SAA认证C-TICK认证;印度BIS认证 WPC认证;日本MIC/TELEC认证、PSE认证;国际CB认证;韩国KC/KCC认证;蓝牙BQB认证;美国能效DOE/CEC认证;加拿大能效NRcan;盐雾测试;高低温测试......等等。